
Who Is Lord Byron

who is lord byron

A Letter to Lord Byron

Dear Lord Byron,

I am writing this letter to you to tell you that I am flattered that you have written a poem after me; although it is quite a scandalous thing to do since I am a widow who has just lost her spouse. Oh I might be mocked and thought of as something I would very well not want to be. You foolish man, people might think of us as lovers and I cannot take that.
The Works of Lord Byron, Letters and Journals, Volume 1
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George Gordon Byron Baron
Especially with you writing like this, "and on that cheek, and o'er that brow, so soft, so calm, yet eloquent, the smiles that win…" you might as well feed me to the wolves for such language as this to a widow. Yet it does, almost…touch my heart. You…you speak a many kind words that are not like me, "or softly lightens o'er her face; where thoughts serenely sweet express how pure, how dear there dwelling place.

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