
Does Air Alert Work

does air alert work

The Air Alert Review - Is it Really Worth the Hype?

Air Alert is a vertical jump affairs created by TMT Sports.

Here is a abrupt arbitrary of what you get with the program, followed by a absolute review.

What You Get:
Training DVD - in both English and Spanish. Training manual. conditioning chart. avant-garde conditioning chart. Progress & altitude charts. Wei-Wu-Wei focus program.
1 brace of Court Controllers(TM) (device that improves your brawl handling).
Program Review:

Air Alert is one of the best accepted vertical jump programs on the planet.

Let's activate by attractive at its history...


Air Alert is arguably the oldest vertical bound affairs in the world.

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It is appealing abundant the asperse of all programs.

The aboriginal adaptation was created in 1991.

It was badly acknowledged and awash bags of copies about the world.

The capital acumen for its aboriginal success was because it was the aboriginal affairs of its kind, and it additionally affirmed that you would access your vertical jump by 8-14 inches or you would get a abounding refund.

Several upgrades followed over the years: Air Alert 2, 3, and the latest adaptation is Air Alert 4.

Does Air Alert Work?

Let me get beeline to the point.

I accept that if you are a beginner, you may get acceptable after-effects with the program.

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However, I accept that for best average to avant-garde athletes, the affairs may not assignment for you.

Very affordable. actual able-bodied packaged.

1. Lack of weight training.
The affairs mainly consists of anatomy weight contest only. Science has accurate the capability of weight training, and it was black to see it missing in the program
2. Lack of customization.
The affairs offers actual little customization for alone athletes.

If you are a abecedarian with little or no vertical jump training experience, the affairs may assignment for you.

However, if you are an average to avant-garde athlete, you may be bigger of afterward a affairs that involves weight training.

The Air Alert Review - Is it Really Worth the Hype?

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Does Air Alert Work?

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