
How To Change Threshole

how to change threshole

Threshold impossible to change lower value

Hi there,

The problem that you are experiencing is due to a lack of available memory to process the image. Could you tell me some of the basic information about the type of system you are running ScanIP on? It would be helpful to know; the operating system? 32-bit or 64-bit? the amount of RAM?

Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance
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It would also be helpful to know the rough size of the image that you are working with, this information can be found in the grey bar running across the bottom of the ScanIP window e.g.   177 x 157 x 203 - 48MB (9 X 5MB)

I would be happy to take a look at the data set here and see if we can reproduce the problem also, if you email supporI can set up a transfer to take a look at the project.

Many Thanks


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