
Where Did Thomas Edison Market Businesses

where did thomas edison market businesses

Visibility Is the Ultimate Key to Business Growth

Human beings are never satisfied with what we have; even after Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, we still have to improve it to become energy-saving, invent machines that defy the Newton laws of gravity and evolve our cars from coal to fuel to electricity and biofuel-using machines. Such is the fickle nature of our souls and that is why it is important for manufacturers to continue appraising us on their new products and their positive impacts on our lives. Entrepreneurs need to constantly advertise their products and services as though they were new in the market. In this tough and highly competitive business market, visibility is the key.

Innovate Like Edison: The Five-Step System for Breakthrough Business Success
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Michael J. Gelb

Advertising is defined as a paid form of persuasive communication about a product, service, organisation or idea from a sponsor. Advertisements are often impersonal, simply giving swaying information about the desired item. According to the writer of a 1904 editorial of Printer's Ink, a philosophy which should guide advertisers and advertising agencies is "More attractive than fine pictures, more potent than fine language, are the Whys and Wherefores of the goods-the Reasons."

When they discovered discreet and non-invasive advertising methods such as internet product placements, search engine optimization and the use of social media that people actually enjoyed using, consumers celebrated. Unfortunately, this platform has not yet been utilized to its full potential. Over 80% of Fortune 500 companies still use archaic methods of advertising; imagine the growth levels they would experience if they invested in modern, more interactive marketing platforms?

However, even with all this technological advancement, business owners still refuse to use the tools at their disposal. The internet is like Grand Central Station, the busiest and biggest train terminal in the world, with hundreds of trains waiting in line to ferry passengers to their destinations. People can't get onto a train without knowing their destination and how they're going to get there, much like they can't find your website and advertisements unless you guide them there.

With the right advertisement strategies, people will be flocking your website and making purchases. But you need to have a dedicated team of professionals to help you achieve this. Advertising agencies are tasked with helping you come up with the best solutions to your business visibility, and using digital marketing services is a good start.

Using internet marketing services have so much potential to make you a household name in manufacturing. People in Nairobi will be able to not only know that your products exist, they will also be able to order online and make purchases. Invest in internet marketing and you won't regret it.

Select the professional advertising agency which provide you best internet marketing service.

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